MakeChartPattern$ FUNCTION Action Changes fill pattern and color. Syntax MakeChartPattern$(refPattern$, foreground%, background%) Remarks The MakeChartPatern$ and GetPattern$ procedures are used in combination with the GetPaletteDef and SetPaletteDef procedures to change the fill pattern for pie, column, and bar charts. The GetPattern$ procedure uses the following arguments. refPattern$ A string representing the pixel pattern. foreground% Attribute to map to the pixels in refPattern$ that are defined as being on. background% Attribute to map to the pixels in refPattern$ that are defined as off. Note that if foreground% and background% are the same value, the fill pattern appears as a solid color. Constructing a value for refPattern$ is difficult. When using the Presentation Graphics toolbox, you can simplify the process by using the GetPattern$ procedure to choose an internally-defined pattern. MakeChartPattern$ maps colors to the string returned by GetPattern$ to produce the combination of color and pattern you want. For more information, see the entry for the GetPattern$ procedure earlier in this section.